Working at a movie theatre has, amidst the endless reminders of the shortcomings of our species, revealed some unforeseen pleasures to be had from the watching of humans en masse. One of my favorites is watching in anticipation as several hundred people work-out the punchline of a joke. The quickest and loudest people give courage to the more mild-mannered folks who in turn allow the timid ones to audibly chuckle. All this noise and positive energy feeds back into the crowd and, as they catch their breath and wipe away the blissful tears, the room is filled with an almost tangible sense of camaraderie and well... humanity. I love it.

What do I think the ending means? Well let me start with what I don't think happened:
1. The totem was wobbling and was going to fall, they just didn't show it.
Fail. Even if it did fall after the cut to black, the filmmakers choice not to show it means they at the very least wanted you to think about what it would mean if it didn't fall. Also, the last ten minutes of the movie following Cobb "waking up" on the plane are filmed like a dream (i.e. abrupt cuts, the dreamer is suddenly at locations with no time between, the scene at his house seems like a reconstructed memory with the same angles/lighting).
2. The whole thing was a dream.
Possible but unlikely. The totem falls several times in the beginning of the movie thus proving reality. Unless the totem concept is entirely in Cobb's mind, which is kind of a cop-out. Also, there would have been projections trying to kill them any time they were in public. "What about the men from the company that hired them for the opening job? They could be the projections!" you say. Like I said, possible but improbable. It is kinda cool to think that Mal was right and if Cobb would just die, then he'd wake up to his real life with her.
This is not as depressing as it sounds, however, because Cobb does finally let Mal go and sees the faces of his kids again, meaning he may have found closure or catharsis, as Cobb likes to say.
Hilarious spoof: