Monday, November 29, 2010
Museum of Music: Part 1
Any book you could hope to read can likely be found at your local library, free of charge, or bought used on Amazon for dirt cheap. Thanks to projects like Google Books, even out of print titles can be found online, for free no less. The greatest paintings, sculptures, and photographs from around the world are collected and periodically circulated in regional museums such as the Louvre, the MoMA, and the Getty. At even the largest museums, the entrance fee is either voluntary or waved on certain days, so as not to keep anyone from enjoying the collections. And if you're not near a museum, you can at least find a high-definition rendering for free with a simple search online.
But what about music? There are museums for physical artworks and libraries for books but there are very few public access centers for the enjoyment or history of music.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Price of a life
To simplify the matter for the sake of argument, let's say that there is a child that is certain to die shortly were it not for a magical machine we invented that is guaranteed to save him. However, the machine will only work if we stuff into it half of the world's food supply (it's magical; it can handle it). We wouldn't be willing to pay the price, which in this case would lead to billions of deaths. Even though we had the ability to save a life, we would choose not to.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tap the screen to dog-ear this e-page...
At the forefront of this debate are the simple, quippy complaints that a book doesn't run out of batteries, or need software updates, but these are readily combated by the space and trees savings of e-readers. An e-reader can download a book in less than a minute right from your chair, but again this is offset by the loss of the bookstore browsing experience, for online bookstores are hardly a suitable replacement for wandering the narrow canyons of stacks seemingly formed by the countless footsteps of the wizened readers that came before. Nor are the slapdash reviews in online comments a replacement for the judicious advice of a kindly librarian.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tea... Earl Grey... Hot...

After commenting to Jenni about their super-speediness, she pointed out that it's really not that surprising, given the little they really needed to do to serve sandwiches and soup. Admittedly, whereas a sandwich of elaborate complexity or even a panini still only requires minimal cooking time, just microwaving a Big Mac will take a while. "It's not like they're roasting a chicken back there," we joked (we had some friends over last week for homemade roast chicken).
This got me to thinking.
Friday, October 29, 2010
War & Peace
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Christmas Music in October! [gasp]
Friday, October 8, 2010
China and the Democratic-Communism Conundrum
This got me to thinking about the nature of communistic governments and why China's government is so belligerent towards its dissidents. The combination of watching too much Star Trek and having a great world history teacher have always led me to believe that communism would work great if humans weren't involved, or at least the current human nature was radically altered. The problem is, of course, that humans are selfish and often materialistic creatures.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
CDM & SW^2's Custom-Made Mini-Golf Hole
The Ithaca ScienCenter has an 18-hole mini-golf course with science-themed holes. For the littler kids (or idle engineers), they set-up some blocks that could be used to funnel a golf ball to a hole. When you put college graduates in this setting, this is what happens.
Credit for the idea goes primarily to Sam, who is also the one putting in the video.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Any last requests?
"Enjoy our Happy Ending Sundae; it may be your last!"
Friday, September 17, 2010
Million Moderate March

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Glenn Beck's rally |

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Coming soon: Mortal Peril!
"How do you know that?" she asked. "Do you have that clock from Harry Potter that tells you peoples location? Is Jenni 'traveling'?"
We laughed and then I start thinking. It would be totally doable to make a simple version of that clock in real life. Nowadays, with everyone carrying around a smartphone with GPS, you'd just need an internet connection and a simple program that taps in one of the numerous GPS-based social networking features (e.g. Facebook Places, Google Latitude, etc). Wiring it so that the program then moved physical hands on the clock face would be relatively easy actually. Admittedly it would be a good deal trickier to set up the "lost" or "mortal peril" statuses but with some creative programming you could probably find a way. [Comment below if you have any ideas]
In fact, while researching for this blog entry, I found an actual working version of this concept. Apparently a man was talking with his kids about Harry Potter and wanted to show them that science and engineering can be even cooler than magic, because science actually works (in theory...O-chem lab...grumble...grumble...).
To prove the point, he built a beautiful version of the Weasleys' clock that works by retrieving Twitter updates and scanning for keywords that indicate the person's location. Super cool! Also, on his website he points out that he's not the only one that's tried something like this even Microsoft has given it a whirl.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Canada, eh?
1. Niagara Falls would be much cooler with trees and boats being continually washed down them (Ã la toy boats and sticks cast into the gutter as a kid on rainy days).
2. Effeminate men are to French-Canadian game shows as large-breasted women are to Mexican ones.
Monday, September 13, 2010
D'Artagnan Bar?
The only thing they're actually claiming that this candy shares with the bar it takes its name from is the chocolate covering. As if the chocolate covering is the unique identifier that makes people love or hate 3 Musketeers bars.
"Whipped chocolate truffle filling sits on top of an airy crispy layer, surrounded by that 3 MUSKETEERS® Brand chocolate you love."
I can understand Milky Way: Simply Caramel or even 3 Musketeers: Mint, but if you change the size, lose the original filling, and add another filling, you really need to just market a new candy bar. Hell, Mars owns the Twix brand too! Why not just make another iteration of that candy bar? There's already Twix: Peanut Butter and Twix: Java...
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Look familiar? |
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Every time a bell rings, an account opens at BofA
The other day I went into my local bank to close my account. I had deeply mixed feelings about this because I like to support local businesses and I'd had an account with them since my 18th birthday. There is, however, no Santa Barbara Bank & Trust in upstate New York.
I had built-up in my mind the idea that I would go into the bank and be instantly pleaded with by the bank manager like Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life.
"...Now, listen to me, I beg of you not to do this thing. If Potter gets a hold of this building and loan, there will never be another decent house built in this town…"
Instead, the very professional teller asked me to pay my last overdraft fee, in cash, then asked if there was anything else she could do for me. I was tempted to ask her to show just a pang of dismay.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
...Or Forever Hold Your Peace
My phone recently received the upgrade to Froyo (Android 2.2) and as with many of the included apps, the Voice Search received a much needed upgrade. For example, I can now say "Send text to... John Smith... Hey can we change our meeting time to eleven [question mark] I'm running late [period]." The phone then asks me to confirm and then the text message is sent. The cool thing is that the voice recognition is good enough to understand most queries even if spoken in a casual tone (though I can do a pretty good robot impression to get it to understand the more obscure words).
This has me thinking of the possibilities of voice recognition software and, specifically, of the characters on Star Trek who could spontaneously say "Computer, what is our current trajectory?" or "Computer, how many dialects are there of Klingon and Romulan languages, respectively?" The computer would then respond quickly and accurately with an answer, in a crowded and noisy environment. This always seemed like, well, science fiction to me. But with recent phones like the Droid X and iPhone 4, I had an idea of how such technology could be possible.
The newest phones have 2-3 extra microphones just for noise-canceling purposes. Imagine if you had a dozen microphones in each room of a house ambiently listening, then you spoke a nonsense name which activates the query process. The computer then subtracts out the background noise, thanks to the other microphones, and performs the task or answers the question. If all the electronics in the house are connected through the voice recognition computer, then one could say such things as:
"[random name], turn on TV to channel 34 (or even just 'ESPN')." or
"[random name], play music by Frank Sinatra." or
"[random name], lower blinds in the living room." or
"[random name], lock the front door." or
"[random name], what is today's local weather?"
The future could be pretty cool.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Real Imitation Mexican Food!

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Prop. 8
Relatedly, another very weak point in the defense of Prop. 8 was that having gay or lesbian parents would be detrimental to children. Same-sex parents have been shown in several studies to be just as good or slightly better at producing successful and well-adjusted kids.
Essentially, it seems that the opponents of same-sex marriage are trying to take away an institution they enjoy from those people who they believe are living a morally reprehensible lifestyle. Do most Christians think that a practicing Hindu will not go to heaven? Yes (That's Commandment #1, after all). Does that mean that because a majority of Americans disapprove of that lifestyle, they shouldn't be allowed to own a home? No, of course not. That is exactly opposite of how this country was designed to work.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Film: Inception
Working at a movie theatre has, amidst the endless reminders of the shortcomings of our species, revealed some unforeseen pleasures to be had from the watching of humans en masse. One of my favorites is watching in anticipation as several hundred people work-out the punchline of a joke. The quickest and loudest people give courage to the more mild-mannered folks who in turn allow the timid ones to audibly chuckle. All this noise and positive energy feeds back into the crowd and, as they catch their breath and wipe away the blissful tears, the room is filled with an almost tangible sense of camaraderie and well... humanity. I love it.

What do I think the ending means? Well let me start with what I don't think happened:
1. The totem was wobbling and was going to fall, they just didn't show it.
Fail. Even if it did fall after the cut to black, the filmmakers choice not to show it means they at the very least wanted you to think about what it would mean if it didn't fall. Also, the last ten minutes of the movie following Cobb "waking up" on the plane are filmed like a dream (i.e. abrupt cuts, the dreamer is suddenly at locations with no time between, the scene at his house seems like a reconstructed memory with the same angles/lighting).
2. The whole thing was a dream.
Possible but unlikely. The totem falls several times in the beginning of the movie thus proving reality. Unless the totem concept is entirely in Cobb's mind, which is kind of a cop-out. Also, there would have been projections trying to kill them any time they were in public. "What about the men from the company that hired them for the opening job? They could be the projections!" you say. Like I said, possible but improbable. It is kinda cool to think that Mal was right and if Cobb would just die, then he'd wake up to his real life with her.
This is not as depressing as it sounds, however, because Cobb does finally let Mal go and sees the faces of his kids again, meaning he may have found closure or catharsis, as Cobb likes to say.
Friday, July 30, 2010
On Dealing with People Who Suck
And maybe that encounter with you, and seeing what unhappiness unfolded from their immature lashing out at you, will change them. When they get home, cool down, and realize that they acted poorly, hopefully the guilt will stick with them and shape them for the better. Maybe the next innocent bystander to their crappy day will be better off because of you.
Space! The final frontier...
Back on earth, technological advances are still being made and in another 20 years or so, we develop substantially faster technology. Once the technology is perfected, they send out another colonizing ship. However, due to the scientific advances, this one will arrive before the first ship. When NewEarthOne arrives many years later, they awaken to find a thriving and futuristic NewEarth colony already established on the virgin soil they were seeking.
This concept could be taken even further because if the first trip takes hundreds of years, then there is time for many technological leaps. Perhaps the fifth group to set out is actually the first to arrive and every few decades a ship full of people shows up from further in the past.
It would be a cruel fate to be a pioneer, leaving your old world behind and setting out to create a new one from scratch, only to find that the old one beat you there.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Speaking Words of Wisdom
It wasn't until college, when I had most of a minor in music under my belt that I realized why The Beatles were so extraordinary. The year The Beatles played on the Ed Sullivan Show (1963), the biggest hits were songs like "Louie, Louie" and "It's My Party" that you'd find on oldies stations nowadays. In 1966, when Sgt. Pepper's came out (think "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and the tambura-laden "Within You Without You"), the top of the charts were Frank Sinatra and the Beach Boys.
The Beatles' music defined the course of popular music, then reinvented it before the rest of the industry had time to catch-up. More than this, they inspired musicians in every genre of music. This is wonderfully illustrated in the performances by other legendary artists at the presentation ceremony of the Gershwin Prize to Sir Paul McCartney which aired on PBS tonight.